CNHS Class of ’74

In memory of classmates lost, but not forgotten

Oran Abbett
Tim Acree
Lorene (Armuth) Bradley
Garry Beasley
Pam (Beasley) Boles
Roger Bennett
Jeff Berry
Leons Berzajs
Michael Boilanger
Robin (Boles) Berkemeier
Brad Hash
Roger Bundy
Mike Butler
Bruce Calderone
Darlene Carmichael
Doug Carter
Joanna (Coffey) Meek
Carol Conoley
Rob Conway
Vickie (Cunningham) Cox
Mike Dell
Chris Echsner
Brenda (Elwood) Salinas
Neil Empson
Cheryl (Ferguson) Thompson
Lonnie Fields
Phil Fox
Richard George
Gerald Good
Judy (Hardwick) Settle
Robert Hardman
Pat Harrell
Elizabeth Hartwell
Pam (Higdon) Brooks
Janet Hignite
Mary Hughes
Beverly (Huju) Armentrout
Richard Hutton
Paul Jacobs
Noble Jeffries
Ivan Johnson
Paula Kerr
Robert King
Bill Kiser
Marilyn Lucas
Marilyn Luckey
Rhonda (Marshall) Meyer
Ron McKee
Andy Meijers
Brenda (Miller) Daniel
Tim Minor
Russell Mize
Diane (Moore) Ludwig
David Moore
Paul Neal
Christopher Newcomb
Jamie Perry
Kim (Phillips) Sackman
James Prajzner
Debbie Pruitt
Steve Rice
Susan Rogerson
Janice (Seeley) Gillespie
Mark Shireman
Brett Smith
Bob Snapp
Susie Springhorn
Cheryl (Strahl) VandeSteeg
Paula (Straughn) Daniels
Sandra Strietelmeier
Bruce Taylor
Ann Voelz
Greg Volland
Teresa (Waddle) Crosby
Bill Watson
Bobette Wilkins
Tom Wilson
Richard Wire
Kevin Wright
Jeannie (Zeigler) Bozarth